Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MISSES: Web-based Examination, Evaluation, and Guidance- Unit 6

This article outlines the use of the Management Information Systems Electronic Support System (MISSES) in a college class, department, or program. MISSES is an electronic support system that is designed as an aid for teachers and students and is used to enrich educational content by ensuring that they would have access to all classes, related subject matter, and examinations electronically (Tanrikulu, 2006). The system grants students access to classroom materials, such as assignments, notes, and exams, from anywhere and at any time by allowing students to log on to the system via the internet or network. Teachers and department staff can also access the system to upload, edit, and remove class content, including notes, quizzes, handouts, questions, and exams. Students can take online exams right from home. The instructor can upload questions into a question bank on the system. Each question can be linked to a class document, such as a section of notes that the question refers to, and create exams by choosing questions from the bank. Instructors can also choose the duration of the exam, the point values for each question, and can even include essay questions to be manually graded. The students benefit greatly from this type of exam because they can review their scores immediately after, and any questions they missed are accompanied by a link to the notes on that topic. Students may not get the grade on the test, but they will still gain knowledge of the course material. The MISSES was designed considering the needs of the students (what information do they need access to?), the teachers (what information can they post for students to access?), administrators (what data needs to be entered for the system to work for students and teachers?), and net surfers who are interested in testing the system out. The MISSES also heavily considered system requirements that would allow it to remain functional and useful to teachers and students. MISSES is an example of how schools are integrating new technology into the curriculum as the learning and life styles of students are evolving.

Tanrikulu, Z. (2006). MISSES: Web-based examination, evaluation, and guidance. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 29 (1).

I think the MISSES is a wonderful example of how schools can improve their use of technology to aid both students and teachers. The idea of an online exam that gives students information on questions they missed is a wonderful demonstration of education for understanding rather than education for grades. Students learn to value their education because they are learning from their mistakes, rather than focusing on getting the grade. This would be an excellent resource for the classroom because it can offer students the same content in a new method of delivery. Students who cannot come to class can still access material and make up assignments from home. The only problem I see with a system like this is if it were used in an attendance-optional setting, because students would most likely fail to attend classes if they could learn enough from home.

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